1. At the reception
Tour through the school campus, by appointment, Thursdays at 8:30 a.m.
Attend the ¨Open House¨ general informative meeting. Its objective is to provide detailed information about the school’s mission and vision, values, philosophy, cultural and sports activities etc. Any questions can be addressed at this time. Ask the receptionist for the date of our next ¨Open House¨.
2. Steps for Evaluation
Request appointments for evaluations and forms required by visiting the school or contacting us at 809-548-6620.
The evaluation is composed of:
1. Academic Testing (Prekinder-11th grade)
2. Parental Interview with School Administration
Attend the evaluation according to the appointed time and date.
3. On the Evaluation Day
Candidates should be in school grounds before 7:45 am. Parents must hand in all documents required for evaluation to the Registrar. (Students applying grades 9th and 10th should bring all necessary documents two working days before the evaluation). In case the documentation is complete, the psychologist will guide the student to the corresponding age appropriate grade level. He/She will spend a complete school day at MCSchool. He/She will be evaluated by the psychologist and homeroom teacher. In case the documentation is incomplete, the evaluation(s) will be rescheduled.
Documents Required:
- Admission form completed
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of Report Card of previous and present school year from the current school (for all grades)
- Receipt for RD$ 2500.00 fee (to be paid on the evaluation day to the cashier)
- Recommendation Form(s) completed by a teacher, counselor or principal from preceding school.(at least one)-Attached
Recommendations for the evaluation day:
- It is not necessary to study.
- Please avoid transmitting anxiety to your child before taking the exam. Motivate them instead!
- A good night’s sleep and having breakfast is essential.
- Bring to school a lunchbox with favorite snacks (PK- 5th) or money to buy in the cafeteria (6th- 10th).
- Preferably wear a white polo shirt and khaki pants.
- Pick up your child in the Main Office at the agreed time.
3. Results
Parents will be notified of evaluation results within a maximum of 5 working days.
Enrollment of accepted students should be formalized to ensure the student’s spot.
Spots are not reserved.